FELIZ NAVIDAD 2019 amigo(a) & familia.
If you have not visited, we invite you to our virtual front porch to meander through our adventures this last year. www.Reemberto.Info
It is truly impossible to recap the amazing blessings sprinkled – no, showered! – on us this year. Maribelle – our first granddaughter – is born. Berto – her brother and our first grandson – is in pre pre K at Sacred Heart School in DC. RemDana – our first born and his wife – keep running and more. Iggy – our second son – and Jessica are engaged. Geraldina is following her passion in Africa – and yoga back home. Reemberto is still all about Silver Spring – and Cuba.
This year we were fortunate to visit London, Bordeaux, Paris – and DiggerLand in NJ. And we began and will end the year in Cuba, our fifth New Years there connecting with the people, regardless of the governments.
We also focused lots of energy and attention in affirming the goodness around us through the support of the work of the amazing organizations, government agencies, and the countless individuals that work with immigrants, refugees, the homeless, children, the isolated elderly, the HIV/AIDS community, and the poor in our own neighborhood and abroad. Their work continue to provide a shining example of what can be when decency, empathy, and authentic love drives your actions… No time to get discouraged; no time to let the bad vibes, reckless leaders, or mean-spirits sour our enthusiasm for positive change and social justice.
May the core message of NAVIDAD* stay with you this Season and throughout 2020.
*If you need a reminder of the Navidad message, watch Linus (Charlie Brown’s friend) remind us.
If you need a little “perk me up” Christmas music/video, watch this amateurish video accompanying the album “A Cuban Christmas”.
And, if you have not visited, we invite you to our virtual front porch to meander through our adventures this last year. www.Reemberto.Info
Staying connected,
Reemberto & Geraldina